

It's an amazing path in which we all have set our feet on. The indestructible design we call Earth. Mother Earth to some. But for most she is merely a planet to which we feed our starving hearts and lungs everyday. Fed with the blood soaked soils of our past transgressions, heaped in piles among each other. We see the error of our ways and we walk blindly aside them, with no recollection of the damage we have done. We breath in the smoke of our forefathers and describe it as healthy. A new tradition.

A false priesthood has been set in place. Now a panel of judges has risen up among all of you. All of us. We proclaim the name of Jesus in our hearts and in our lungs. But the majority stand idly by, with their hands in their pockets and their fingers in the air. Hallelujah is once said in the perverse manor of church praise to a message that satisfies the sole. The sole of what I ask? Of Man? Neh! It satisfies the root of evil. The self declaration of the gospels of so and so, and the evil that is spewed in them. The self centered hallelujah that echos out the chest of the man with no problems in the world because "Jesus has taken care of them." Or so he thinks. He sits mighty on his pedestal in the kingdom of money, fame and power. He is known among his peers as hatred. One that perks up when the higher ups come around and yields a knife as they pass.

The hatred among the saints in the church can be counted as indescribable. A number so rich and heavy, and laden with sin, that no mere mortal could ever bear the weight of its selfishness and greed. The presumption that all take on one, and not one took on all. The mistakes of man, to think that we can make a difference all by our self, and without assistance of a supernatural beings. Someone who has spanned time, and glory has been set in his hands. He is justified in every action and reaction that takes place. He is the one, and the only, that will ever stand at the top. His name is Jesus.

A man of men, a soldier of God. The one on the front line from the beginning of time, He loved us so much, He came to live among us, and then die! Only to show us that we will live again with Him through His Resurrection from the grave, if we choose.

Be set on your own errors and ways, and live for yourself. You evildoers do no good to the planet. You rape, pillage and plunder it all for your own glory, and the self glorification of the god you call yourself. Human man has no place in heaven if all he thinks of is what he needs most in life. What we need most in life is Jesus. The One and only. The proclamation has been set, and the invitations have been giving. The story has been told again and again and all of those who hear it will be forever changed. Because it is in that moment of desperation and loneliness that you need to grasp on to something. And the wicked ways on the world will not satisfy forever. Only the right hand of the Holy One will do. So reach out and grab Him.

You live among yourselves preaching the gospels of righteousness yet you show no example of it. You lie, cheat and steal from others. You proclaim faith in the Holy One of God, yet you speak as if you never met Him. Because you never have! You sacrifice nothing.

For nothing is sacred to you, not even your life!

From the beginning the only thing man cared about was himself. Even in the beginning when he walked side by side with the Lord. He was alone. No one forgave him for his sins because there was no sin. It did not exist yet. But then the fall came and all was forgiven, but was left with a curse. Til this day there has been but one way to lift this curse.

The Resurrection of Christ.

But no one believes in it. In a culture so soaked in self image and me purpose, how do you teach one to be submissive and take on the attitude of a servant. One who does the work of other or for others with hopes that he may win someone over. To proclaim the gospels, and to see the hearts of many change. Be one with his creator in a relationship that will never die. Ever.

Til the end comes, you will see the terrified rise up in the middle of the lame, and those laden with sin will be all around them. They do not know their sins, for no one has told them the error of their ways. So preach the good news and spread the word. For He is coming soon and there will be no way out. There will come a day when the hearts of many will change so rapidly there will be no keeping up with it. Like the sound of rushing waves, you will here the Son of Man return and capture the hearts of many.

Only to be judged once more, shall you return to the error of your previous ways. Be still and wait on God to come. Be alert and open your heart to His image. And clean your eyes, for they are the window of your soul, and unless you see Jesus coming in the distance at that time, you will lose yourself in the smoke and be amongst the soles who are taken to the underground and cast out of the eternal wonder that will be heaven. Amen.

*Soles is used on purpose instead of Souls. ~ 1 Corinthians 15:25-26

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