
If so, you will find yourself fighting God

Shortly after Jesus was put to death by the Roman's via request of the Religious Jews and Leaders, The Apostles connected with the Spirit that was to come. They began to tell the story of the One who came to set them free, and how it was done. They spoke with fire and truth. They were Fearless!

Just as much as they spoke, they were persecuted. Sometimes to the point of death, or close too it. Many times, they were ordered to "Discontinue, shut up, go away, face imprisonment or severe discipline." And yet they marched on, and did as they were commissioned by the Spirit of Truth.

One of my favorite accounts of such things appears in the book of Acts. It is a vivid reminder to me, and for my family. No matter how down we get about the things that are coming against us, or being thrown in our way, We together, as well as individually, must focus our attention to Him first. Then, stay the path He set before us. Continue our mission, and only change when prompted. In doing so, we face all the opposition and defense from the enemies, as well as those who take no form of Salvation. But instead take their faith in themselves and themselves only. Calling us out as, 'Stupid', 'Weak', and things the like.

The passage comes from The Book of Acts. Ch.5 (v.27-39)

Summarized; Some of the Apostles, lead by (Simon) Peter, were found back in the temple courts preaching the name of Jesus Christ, immediately after they were freed from prison by the Lord. They were then taken in front of the Sanhedrin to be disciplined, and asked to give an account of their actions, then they were scolded and questioned, "We gave you strict order to never preach that Name here anymore, and yet, you continue to fill the area with the teachings of this Name. Are you trying to hold us accountable for this Man's Blood?"

To which Peter replies; " We MUST obey God over man. You had Jesus murdered and put to death on a cross, but yet the God of all, raised Him from the dead, and gave Him glory, and put Him to His right hand as Prince and Savior, with hopes of bringing Israel to repentance and forgiveness of their sins. We (the apostles) were witnesses to this, as was the Holy Spirit, that God gives to all of those who obey Him."

It was not too long after these words escaped Peter's mouth, that all of those who were in range that heard him became furious. Instantly wanting to put them to death. But before anyone could act on these emotions, a well respected and honored man in the courts, and a teacher of the laws stood and addressed all of those in the room. He asked that Peter and his men be placed outside the room. Then he addressed the Sanhedrin;

"Men of Israel, be careful about what you plan to do to these men. A while back, a man name Theadus rose up to a position of attention, claiming to be someone of importance. Then close to four hundred men rallied against him and killed him. His followers scattered. Then again, a man named Judas rose up during the  days of census. He lead a revolt only to be killed as well, and all of his followers scattered."

*Now at this time I would guess that he had the full attention of the Sanhedrin. He continues;

"I give you this advice about these men, Let them go. Leave them alone. If what they are doing is based on human origin, their activities will fail and they will be destroyed. BUT, if what these men are doing is in fact from God, you will not be able to stop them. And in your attempts to do so, you will only find yourself in a fight with God."  

Now this is where I celebrate in my Spirit. Because I know that if I surrender to His plans for my life. If I stop trying to make things happen on my own, and allow myself to be used as He see fit, and let Him lead the way, or follow Him where He takes me, I will not be stopped. We will not be stopped. He will not be stopped. No matter how hard you try. Less I give up, or give in to any other way, His way in my life will ALWAYS go on.

Now this does not come with freedom of being un-touched or un-threatened. Shortly after being addressed by this teacher of the law, the Sanhedrin had Peter and the others brought back into the room. They gave them the same strict orders to; "Leave here, and Never speak about Jesus anywhere near here again."  Then, they proceeded to beat them severely to get their point across.

This is where some who struggle would give up, and say it's not worth it. I pray that I may one day have the Faith and Joy in Jesus as these Apostles did. They immediately left the room after being beaten, and they began Rejoicing, and Singing because they had been counted worthy enough to suffer disgrace for His name. And in doing so, THEY CONTINUED TO SPEAK HIS NAME. They continued to preach the good news, and follow the path they were given. Never once considering the threats of the higher authority of man.

So every time I feel like the walls are collapsing around me and my life. I try to step back and pray. I ask Jesus to forgive me, and give me strength for my struggle, and to show me the path He has me on, and the direction He would have me go. Remind me that what I am doing and what I am pursuing is in fact what HE has me chasing.

If what you are doing in your life is based on the gifts that were given to you, check yourself real quick. Are you using these gifts for good purpose? Or are you using them for selfish capital? (This does not mean making a living with your gifts is bad. This means consuming all you make for yourself only) Is what you are doing with your gifts advancing the movement of the Body? Or are you not using your gifts at all? If you are in fact using them, and allowing them to minister to others; If you are on a mission that is God ordained, Keep going. Stay strong. Keep your faith! You may have to suffer through the attacks, the verbal assault, the humiliation, disrespect and hate. But only because He was hated first. And is still hated today. We represent Him. We are His weapons and His tools against the darkness that is ever growing. His plan is to rescue those who are looking for a way out of the darkness. Those who see the Light on the pathway, and Believe.

I have experienced some major grace and favor over the passed year. I try to praise God for being so Awesome to me and my Family. We felt surrounded at times, by enemies and people who were set on destroying us, and our lives. But He protected us, and showed us the way through. He aloud us to see the path, and motivated us to keep going. And although we did not come out unscathed, we came out alive, and better than when we went in. It is so refreshing to know that all we are, and have been going through , He has never left us. Even in the times I didn't feel like He was around, He was. He was Silent. And watching. Making sure that we give the glory to Him, and seek His way, and not our own. Glory to God. I am Forever in debt. Amen.