
Victim of Tradition

My current feeling at this very moment . . . anxiety and discust.
Why? I believe it is a stir of emotions and beliefs being triggered by the overblown media garbage piled up with the abundance of ignorant and disrespectful nature of so many things.

Last night (May 1st), was the night that President Obama stahled all media in America, and delayed for an hour, the announcement of the "Assassination" of Osama Bin Laden. Then for the rest of that night, and right through the night hours of today, into I am sure the next few days, people celebrate, dance and chear about the news. We see front page stories with the words "Rot in Hell" as the titles. News on every station, in every state, on every radio frequency, broadcasting the "good news."

Almost just as fast as the news is out about his death, there come stories of conspiracy. Websites and News Radio, as well as some Local and Syndicate programs begin to ask questions, and recieving information that is contrary to the "News" we are presented on TV and National Radio Broadcast.

I recieved a link in a message box that had some information in it. It talks about the "Assassination of Bin Laden" being a Hoax. A cover up. A political move. (I include the link at the base of this section.) The Title of the article alone struck my interest to read it. Had this been ten years or so ago, I would have passed it by. After the 9/11 Trade Towers crumble, and the other accounts reported, media such as this shortly came out of the wood works as well. My frame of mind at the time was a "who cares" attitude. I believed all the conspiracy stuff was conspiracy in itself. Just a way to sort of make people angry, and make people not trust America. Looking back on it now, I can say that I would believe some of it could and may be true. Do not get me wrong, I love the fact that I am in America. That I have the freedom to believe and practice what I choose. That I have many freedoms and right other countries do not have. But we also as Americans have the right to challenge our Governments and Leaders. They are elected by the people, for the people. That means We have right to put them to the test. I believe videos, news and media of this nature does that.

Here is the link that I received.

Also on the Home page of that site, or in the Archives section on the Menu Bar are many other stories supporting points in this write up.

I am not posting this to dis-credit our Armed Forces. I believe in our soldiers, and I am greatful for their baravery to fight for us and other contries freedoms. I am posting this as a motivation to look deeper into things and not take them at face value all the time. Just in this story alone there are so many questions that should be able to be answered. There should have been more details in the "News" that seem odd not to be there. Questions like:

  • How did they get three helicopters in the general range of Bin Laden and he not hear them comming? Especially after one of them almost crash landed outside his building.

  • Why was his body dumped at Sea so quickly? Almost instantly after his "Assassination."

  • How has he been tracked for ten years and just now is Assassinated?

  • Why did the President call for an announcement and stop all normal media coverage, only to wait almost an hour or more to share the news.

  • Why do all professional speakers and politicians reporting the "story" studder and use the sound effect "uh" or "um" in between many sentences and words. (Pay attention to that, professional speakers speak fluently, esp. when addressing the nation about truths and plans)

There are so many other things we can ask. Even about the write up on how this all is a Consiracy. I shared this story with some people I know and they asked me if I really believed it. I honestly can say it does seem more believeable than the story the news is presenting. I do not mean any disrespect to anyone who lost some body in the Military, or in the 9/11 Attacks. I believe it is the power behind these things that we need to question.

In the movie "V for Vendeta," the character E.V. points out to her co-worker that the news anchor is liing, while telling the story about the vigilance the night before. The co-worker asks "How do you know?" She replies by saying, "She in blinking a lot. She does that when the she knows the story is false." The media outlets in that movie, and the era of it, is controlled by the government. They tell you the stories they believe you need to hear. Wether it is truth or fabricated. All to keep the control, and the peace. I believe we are in the middle of this interestection of change.

On Democracy Now, (click for link), about a week ago, they spoke about Media Monopolies and mergers. They talked about what this can do, and how this can control what were are told, see, or hear each day of our lives. Verizon and AT&T are now 80+% of our cell phone and wireless coverage. Comcast merged with NBC, and is a high percentage of our television and video media controls. Facebook the number one Social network, not to mention the multiples of outlets it controls. All of these monitored by the Governments and Censorships. Soon enough, they will control all of it, and what we see, and hear will be filtered through them.

Our Food & Drug Industry is another example of how we are becoming what I refer to as "Vitims of Tradition." Almost everything in the Super Market and Side Markets is a product of a Factory Farm or Mass Production Produce Lot. But we are never told that, or givin the details voluntaily about the "farms" they come from. Grow it bigger. Grow it Heavier. Grow it quicker. How? Pump it with steroids, mix it with filler, cut the cost by using man made substitutes. Why? Because we need to make money, and fast. Fun Fact: A family of four can get enough Fruit n Vegitables year round on 1 acre of land. America uses 30% of our nations land to grow Genetically Modified Corn, and use it to feed Factory Farm Feedlot Animals. (Diet for a New America/John Robbins)

When was the last time we stopped to read a label on the back of our food containers? When was the last time we saw an inconsistancy of sizes in our Chickens and Trukeys on the shelves? When was the last time we saw 100% Juice not from concentrate on EVERY bottle of juice on the shelves? When was the last time we had home cooked, from scratch, family dinners? How bout EVERY night? When was the last time we looked into the mirror and saw that we as a nation are OBESE?

But the Doctors Say its what I need to do to get my daily intake of (fill in the blank)! Most doctors in 8-12+ years of study, get 4-8 hours of Nutritional Study. Unless they seek it independently. (Search it, Study it, Look it up for yourself. The info is there)

Our doctors give us medications to make the symptoms disapear for a while. When they stop going away for a while, they give us something stronger to make it work again. Because our tolerance builds and we crave more. All the while not noticing that the list of side effects are longer than the reasons we need the drug in the first place. Sometimes the side effects even contain the problem we are taking the meds for.

Do we even care? Or are we only taking things at face value?

I believe many people are going to begin to start waking up! Start to notice whats going on around us. Start to see that all the things told to us through our Faith and our Forefathers Faith, and the generations before them are in fact Reality. Many people are going to continue to destroy our belief system, ad discredit us, saying we are unrealistic. They are going to continue to shoot us down. Those of us who believe in Bible. Everything that has been predicted has come true, is happening now, or is begining to take shape. EVERYTHING! From the natural disasters around the globe, to the Globalization of world powers, to the Wars, to the Famines and Desieses spreading around the globe, all the way to the pursicution of those who believe in the words of Jesus. It is all coming true.

There is more to life than what is on the surface. I am personaly begining to see this. Took me almost 29 years to start. I hope it does not take me another 29 to get stronger. I hope you the reader will be motivated to look deeper as well. Into our country, into our media, into our cities, into our towns, into our people, into our Faith, into ourselves. See that there is a deeper truth. There is more than Face Value. Let us get out of the mode of being "Victims of Tradition."

1 comment:

dogdynamo said...

one simple sentence and used by a past U.S. President was this " the best way to control the masses is thru mass confusion!" That process has been in existence as long as mankind has been. Corporations around the globe use it in one form or another. The media uses it. The government uses it. Me? I thank Jesus every morning and thru out the day for the clarity to get thru another day without confusion where I am in control or out of control all on my own doing. In dealing with life at the most personal level.. home, work, etc. Smile.. I am. Bigpapa