So with our Gift, I ordered two books and this DVD. We looked it up online to check out the reviews, and see the trailers. Read the websites information, and decided to add it to our collection.
I love this Documentary! If I had to rate it on a 10 scale. I would give it a 9. The only reason for a 9 being that I wish the extras menu was a little thicker with content and information. Don't get me wrong, it is still full of some Awesome goodies. I personally just would have liked to see some more.
Forks over Knives is not what you would think as far as Documentaries about Plant Based Eating. A lot of times, people automatically jump to the ethical and mistreatment of animals. The slaughterhouse side of things. This one, although it mentions it briefly, does not stick on that. It hits from the angles that were actually what got me interested in this lifestyle. It hits from the health standpoints as well as the scientific studies standpoints. The fact that the Western Diet has put almost everyone who participates in it into the realm of obesity. Also putting them at risk for so many diseases.
One half of the story line follows two Doctors. Both born into a Dairy Farm Family, both rank high in their field, and both walked a similar path in medicine, just from two different angles, both about to discover information and factual evidence, that would change their lives as well as many others.
Doctor Colin Campbell from Cornell University, started doing studies on the effects of diets consisting of high animal proteins and low animal proteins in the 60's. Finding out that the effects of animal proteins on the human system is disastrous, and will lead to severe problems. This was motivated by his previous information he gathered in the Phillipines. The higher class children who had regular access to animal based proteins in their diets were coming down with severe diseases quicker and more frequently than the poverty children they were their to feed.
Doctor Caldwell Esselstyn from the Cleveland Clinic was one of the leads on the Breast Cancer Task Force. After treating many patients, he would go through research and find that the cancers he was treating was rarely found in many parts of the world, where their diets consisted of minimal to no animal based foods. Both Doctors then began to do some deep research that would produce some ground breaking studies.
Campbell took over a study started many years before him. Titled "The China Study," it was a project that researched 2 years worth of information. They were studying the number of deaths in the whole country of China, and paired that info with the reasons for the deaths. They would eventually find out that the large number of deaths were due to Cancer, Heart Disease, and Diabetes. The areas with these rates were of higher population, and had adapted more of the Western Diet of Eating. The other parts of the country where the deaths were more natural, had not. They had of diet of Plant based whole foods, and little to no Animal at all.
Esselstyn began researching the areas where Cancer and Cardiovascular Diseases were least known or unknown, and found out what their lifestyle and diet habits were like. He too then found that these areas were living on a Plant Based Whole Food diet. He returned home and began a test with Volunteers, and information provided by other Doctors on these volunteers. These people were labeled "Terminal," with so many heart issues, they were not expected to survive for more than a few more years. People with Quadruple Bypass Surgeries, Heart Attacks and Strokes. Near Death People.
The other part of the Story covers the lives of three different people:
Joey, a Landscaper diagnosed with High Blood Pressure and Type 2 Diabetes, was taking 9 different meds a day, equaling $150 a month.
San'Dera, a mom of five and receptionist at a diabetes clinic, diagnosed with diabetes herself as well as hyper tension.
And the Narrator, who unfortunately I do not remember his name right now, ha! But he too had a check up and found out he had High cholesterol, High Blood pressure and High Expansion in his Arteries. He was knocking on the door for a heart attack.
All three of these people were followed as they Participated in a 12 week program. To give up their ways of eating, and use food as a healing medicine. They would eat only Plant Based Whole Foods. NO ANIMAL PRODUCTS, of any kind. The results at the end of the 12 weeks are nothing short of motivational and amazing. The meds they were on, gone. The Blood Pressure, normal. The diabetes, reversed and/or in remission.
Other short parts in the film include Gene Baur, Founder of Farm Sanctuary, who speaks openly about what he does. Mac Danzig, MMA Ultimate Fighter. Holds multiple world titles, and has been vegan for many years, long before he was a champion fighter. Rip Esselstyn, Son of Doctor Esselstyn, and Texas FireFighter, All American Swimmer, and Professional Triathlon Athlete. Talks about the advantages of plant based diets, and how it saved the life of one of his co workers. Along with some other people from Doctor Esselstyn's study groups, and their stories of overcoming fatal disease and heart falures, these stories will do nothing short but inspire you.
This is only a small amount of all the goods that are in this film. So many scientific facts about our body and what we are doing to it, simply based on what we eat.
I HIGHLY recommend this film to Everyone! I do this from a standpoint for Health and Nutrition. Not just Animal Welfare. What we put in our stomachs is Directly related to the problems our system is having.
This Documentary is Not an over the top film. It is put together very well, and is very understandable, as well as very relative to our times.
Imagine for a second, Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Disease and so many other issues like Arthritis, Joint Pain, Osteoporosis, and more, all disappear simply because you made the switch from eating a high Animal Protein Diet, to a Simple and Understandable Plant Based Whole Foods Diet. You can eat as much as you want, and still be healthy. You eat as much as you want, and reverse disease. You become more energetic. You sleep better. You think clearer. All because your body is not struggling to fight off disease, and breakdown complex foods.
Please watch this film, then when it is done, make your choice.
Doctor Colin Campbell from Cornell University, started doing studies on the effects of diets consisting of high animal proteins and low animal proteins in the 60's. Finding out that the effects of animal proteins on the human system is disastrous, and will lead to severe problems. This was motivated by his previous information he gathered in the Phillipines. The higher class children who had regular access to animal based proteins in their diets were coming down with severe diseases quicker and more frequently than the poverty children they were their to feed.
Doctor Caldwell Esselstyn from the Cleveland Clinic was one of the leads on the Breast Cancer Task Force. After treating many patients, he would go through research and find that the cancers he was treating was rarely found in many parts of the world, where their diets consisted of minimal to no animal based foods. Both Doctors then began to do some deep research that would produce some ground breaking studies.
Campbell took over a study started many years before him. Titled "The China Study," it was a project that researched 2 years worth of information. They were studying the number of deaths in the whole country of China, and paired that info with the reasons for the deaths. They would eventually find out that the large number of deaths were due to Cancer, Heart Disease, and Diabetes. The areas with these rates were of higher population, and had adapted more of the Western Diet of Eating. The other parts of the country where the deaths were more natural, had not. They had of diet of Plant based whole foods, and little to no Animal at all.
Esselstyn began researching the areas where Cancer and Cardiovascular Diseases were least known or unknown, and found out what their lifestyle and diet habits were like. He too then found that these areas were living on a Plant Based Whole Food diet. He returned home and began a test with Volunteers, and information provided by other Doctors on these volunteers. These people were labeled "Terminal," with so many heart issues, they were not expected to survive for more than a few more years. People with Quadruple Bypass Surgeries, Heart Attacks and Strokes. Near Death People.
The other part of the Story covers the lives of three different people:
Joey, a Landscaper diagnosed with High Blood Pressure and Type 2 Diabetes, was taking 9 different meds a day, equaling $150 a month.
San'Dera, a mom of five and receptionist at a diabetes clinic, diagnosed with diabetes herself as well as hyper tension.
And the Narrator, who unfortunately I do not remember his name right now, ha! But he too had a check up and found out he had High cholesterol, High Blood pressure and High Expansion in his Arteries. He was knocking on the door for a heart attack.
All three of these people were followed as they Participated in a 12 week program. To give up their ways of eating, and use food as a healing medicine. They would eat only Plant Based Whole Foods. NO ANIMAL PRODUCTS, of any kind. The results at the end of the 12 weeks are nothing short of motivational and amazing. The meds they were on, gone. The Blood Pressure, normal. The diabetes, reversed and/or in remission.
Other short parts in the film include Gene Baur, Founder of Farm Sanctuary, who speaks openly about what he does. Mac Danzig, MMA Ultimate Fighter. Holds multiple world titles, and has been vegan for many years, long before he was a champion fighter. Rip Esselstyn, Son of Doctor Esselstyn, and Texas FireFighter, All American Swimmer, and Professional Triathlon Athlete. Talks about the advantages of plant based diets, and how it saved the life of one of his co workers. Along with some other people from Doctor Esselstyn's study groups, and their stories of overcoming fatal disease and heart falures, these stories will do nothing short but inspire you.
This is only a small amount of all the goods that are in this film. So many scientific facts about our body and what we are doing to it, simply based on what we eat.
I HIGHLY recommend this film to Everyone! I do this from a standpoint for Health and Nutrition. Not just Animal Welfare. What we put in our stomachs is Directly related to the problems our system is having.
This Documentary is Not an over the top film. It is put together very well, and is very understandable, as well as very relative to our times.
Imagine for a second, Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Disease and so many other issues like Arthritis, Joint Pain, Osteoporosis, and more, all disappear simply because you made the switch from eating a high Animal Protein Diet, to a Simple and Understandable Plant Based Whole Foods Diet. You can eat as much as you want, and still be healthy. You eat as much as you want, and reverse disease. You become more energetic. You sleep better. You think clearer. All because your body is not struggling to fight off disease, and breakdown complex foods.
Please watch this film, then when it is done, make your choice.
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