I have struggled to think of how to start off this blog post. There are so many things that I want to include in it, and so many points that I believe once readers reach them, they will hit the "x" on the tab and not read through. I also hope I can do justice and summarize the information I have taken in without making it sound too weak or to over baring. So I guess I will just go to it.
I am currently reading the book; "Dominion" by Matthew Skully. This past Friday night, I started the second chapter and could not stop until I finished it. The content of this chapter legitimately had me irritated so much inside I had a hard time trying to sleep that night.
In this chapter Skully talks about his visit to the Safari Club International's Convention in Reno, Nevada. A gathering that occurs annually. Some press is aloud in, but is extremely looked into by the coordinators of the event. You may understand why in a few. Skully did not opp for a press pass, instead went as a hunter interested in membership.
The Safari Club International is a Members Only Club of Hunter's. But not Hunter's like many understand them. These are Big Game Hunters. But not Big Game Hunters like you are imagining them. I challenge you to step your thought process higher. Think BIG GAME hunting. What do you imagine? Moose? Buffalo? Bison? How about Elephant! Rhino! Giraffe! Lion! Cheetah! Start imagining these, and you are starting out in the realm of these so called "Hunters."
Upon walking into the convention hall, he estimates there is about 18 rows stretching sixty yards a piece, spread out over three hundred thousand square feet of space. With over three thousand guides and outfitters serving some thirteen thousand visitors. Different "Safari" Hunts for sale. Guns, Weaponry, Jewelry, Videos, Books, Clothing, and Uncountable amounts of stuffed, fluffed, and posed Taxidermy. EVERY ANIMAL POSSIBLE! EVERYWHERE YOU LOOK. Name some sort of animal that is in the wild or the woods that can be shot at with a bullet, a bow, or a sling, and you will probably see it there. Stuffed Giraffes sit in the auction room. More exotic birds than you can count stare you in the face while you browse the pamphlets at the counters. A giant African Elephant's Head watches over you as you browse the "Safari's" for sale in the aisle dubbed "Elephant Walk." A Baboon stuffed and posed by a Lodge table, wearing a hat and Game Warden Uniform. Polar Bears, Leopards, Hyenas, Moose, Wolves, all on display. One aisle's booth even has two stuffed and posed Bald Eagles. This convention room floor has put a price on the heads of some of natures most beautiful creatures, and there is at least one of all of them there for you to look at. Considered "Big Trophies."
Maybe a full size animal is not for you, well what about some of these glorious items? A Giraffe skin day planner for $189. A Zebra Skin purse $149. An Impala skin gun case for $249. How bout a Giraffe skin rug for a couple hundred? Or a Cape Buffalo Hide Golf Bag starting at a Thousand Dollars?
Are you getting a vibe yet?
While parading around the floor and deeply searching each booth without being overwhelmed, Skully stops here and there to observe videos that are playing. One video he records watching briefly, "With Deadly Intent." One of three video's deemed "The Classics." The jacket to the video reads; "You're right there to see four dramatic brain shots. See how a .500 Nitro Express stops a raging bull's charge at ten steps!" For anyone like me who is unfamiliar, the .500 Nitro Express is an Elephant Gun that is currently the low boy on the market. When this book was written, it had just been upgraded to a .600 with .700 in production and a .800 in the works. Short run down of the film description; These "Hunters" come up on two female elephants bookending a calf, and the bull (male elephant) charges the hunters vehicle to try and scare them away. After some short time he charges straight at the vehicle, then the "Hunters" do what they do, and there lies the description of Four Brain Shots.
To all of those interested here at the convention, they too could have an African experience like this and many others for a certain price. Packages can start as low as $1500 for a Giraffe hunt, and top off somewhere near $250,000 for a White Rhino hunt (only one of the many endangered or soon to be endangered species on the list of hunts.) Custom Packages are available depending on the extent of what you may be looking for. You can add shipping of your "trophy," plus stuffing and delivery to your estate.
Maybe Big Game hunting is not your thing. You like to keep it classic, like deer, elk, moose and the like. No worries. There are many Hunting Lodges here to suit your needs. And by suit your needs, you will not believe what they have. For starters, there is no real need to worry about loosing your prize. Almost all of these Lodges have completely fenced in property. So even if you happen to fire a shot, and your trophy runs off, you will find it eventually. They also offer you the exact sizes and specified quality you are looking for. Antler size, weight, colors. All of these can be met on a stocked yard. With quality feed that is high in protein and scientifically engineered to create top notch trophies. Further more, they can reduce the doe crop in the yard and increase the amounts of Bucks through "Proper Harvesting." In Texas, one Ranch offers a two thousand foot high fence all around the land. They also offer deer that are engineered under the "Texas Scientific Breeder Program." One Lodge owner describes the experience to be like shopping for a new car. You pick out what you want, you buy it. You shoot it. You take it home. Prices starting in the low $1200's.
Are you a Hunter at Heart, but just can't seem to find the time to get out there as much as you like. No worries there either. With the trapping programs, and the zoo buy outs, they can bring the hunting to you. This really happens. Whatever you are looking to hunt, you can get it. Call up the Companies that offer this. Tell them what you are looking for. Pay your deposits. Then when they receive your animal, you head out to meet them at a determined location. The hunter is placed on a raised podium in the open, while the trappers "release" the animal some couple hundred yards away. Then when the animal appears in your sights, FIRE AWAY! Make the kill, pay for your trophy, and away you go.
Maybe the skeet shooting approach is not your type. You still enjoy the classic, in the woods feel of the hunt. That can be arranged. With guarantee. The program you hire, will head out into the woods and set up two stands. One in one spot with a bag like contraption below it, and some "X" amount of yards away will be another with a camouflage tent atop. The idea? Keep the feed tent out for a while and allow it to draw in the trophy. Let it feed on the Scientific Feed placed in there that is promised to bring top results. Then when the animal has become accustomed to eating from the bag, bring in the "hunter." Have them wait it out a while, and when the one they like shows up! There ya have it, your Trophy! Guaranteed! Kill it, pay for it, take it home.
Still with me? There's more!
Not only does the convention provide you with all of these kill options, (some I did not get into, like the Grand Slam, the Big Five, and the Big Five Special to name a few,) They also hold an Awards Banquet! What are they rewarding? Damn near everything you can think of. There is a Record Book for S.C.I. described to be the size of a Manhattan Directory. In it is a list of winners covering somewhere around twenty nine categories of achievements with hundreds of sub categories. All of them receiving some sort of award. Then there are the Inner Circles, where your entry is based on the sheer volume and raw numbers of kills. Having seven or eight different species can get you into the Copper Level. Next is Bronze at a dozen species of trophy animals. Silver carries weight of ten animals in ten species. Gold Members weigh in at a dozen or more trophy animals. Finally you can reach Diamond Level, with a minimal grand total of seventy-six different creatures slain.
By the time you receive all of the Safari Club Awards in all of the Categories, collecting the highest honor of all, "Crowning Achievement Award," one would have a collected kill count of minimum required Three Hundred and Twenty Two Animals! None of them to be the same. Think it is unreachable? Think again. One man has received the "Intercontinental Award," and his total sits at Three Hundred and Sixty Nine Animals. To add insult to injury, these numbers do not even add in the number of animals that were shot and wounded, or shot and never found.
In the year this book was researched, Skully says there were Five Hundred and Three different Awards given. The title names alone are something to dwell on: South Pacific Estate Taken! Diana the Huntress Award! Ibex of the World! African Big Five! Gazelles of the World! African 29! Grand Slam Wild Sheep! Diamond Grand Slam! Champions of the World! Wild Pigs and Peccaries of the World! And a rather flattering McElroy! An award that was given to a guy for his One hundred and Forty plus Record-Class animals from seventeen African countries including his 11 Grand Slams, 273 different hunts on six different continents, and Three Hundred and Sixty Nine Species! Too top it all off, there is a Hall of Fame as well! Swallow that!
With an American membership following of 32,000 people, each averages eight to ten kills a year. That puts a Grand Total of 320,000 animals killed! Yearly! That does not even cover the grand total of almost One Million members worldwide.
Now for the cherry on the top!
After all this information, not to mention the tid bits I left out concerning commentary and detailed description of kills and safaris from "Hunters," Trackers, Former Presidents of the USA, Celebrity Members, and SCI Leaders. After all of this I want to deliver the final thing that really got my insides cooking. You Ready?
Dwell in this for a few minutes, Safari Club International is a 501(C)3 Charitable Non-Profit Organization!
All the Safaris, the equipment, the travels, the taxidermy, the shipping, the jewelry, the clothing, the feed, the science, the research, the awards, the dinners, the convention . . . tax write off!
How you ask? Through deeds they deem "Charitable." Like the Sensory Safari Hunting Program. Where they take visually disabled, and blind people out on Safari. To show them what it is like to be a hunter. Also, all of the African Safaris are used to fund third world minor cities. Each hunt has a price tag. A portion of that price tag is given to the Cities and Countries to which they will be conducting their safari on. They also have a Museum Program as well. Turn a section of your home into a "museum" to display your "Trophies," and make sure that it is in your will that they are to be given back to SCI upon your death. Or donate them to a restaurant, bar, school or museum. These just some of the small deeds of the SCI Conservation Hunter.
That's right. SCI and it's members believe themselves to be Conservationists. They do what they do as a means to control populations of species. They keep the more valuable animals like Elephants, and Rhinos, and Bald Eagles, and Polar Bears from being victims to Poachers, and Ivory Hunters and the like by being the first to take them out. All the while, paying a hefty amount of money to the local areas hospitals, schools and public service buildings. Kind of like a big (Charity?) Payout to keep there mouths shut. But not only is it about saving them from poachers and ivory killers. It is also about keeping people safe as well. SCI says that these animals are a danger to the smaller cities and towns. The residents are not safe when there are Big Game animals located near their homes. So to solve the matter, they lower the number of these animals in that area, by taking them out.
Final Thoughts
I really wish I could cover A LOT more than I did here. Please remember, this is only a review on one chapter. And the way it is written, half the information. This book is so rich with information it can be overwhelming.
The people that you hear speaking in this book almost seem to brag about the kills they get. How exhilarating it is to take down an Elephant, or a Rhino. How they never go down on the first try. But yet, how they feel a bit of remorse after the kill. Only to do it all over again. The way they brag about the sizes of each kill, or how many kills they have. They make it all sound like it is completely normal to be this way. To take out nature one by one for the thrill of it all. For no better reason than the simple act of entertainment and dominance.
What these people do is absolutely disgusting to me. The disconnect in there systems is horrifying. Not to mention the fact, that some of the people interviewed, as well as some of the speakers openly believe that what they are doing is Godly. That Jesus himself approves of what they are doing. The Christian Sportsmen Fellowship had a breakfast the weekend Skully attended. They opened with a prayer that asks Jesus to occupy the throne of their life, and to help them change their pursuits. Also to purify their heart from all unrighteousness.
Now I am Christian, and I understand that not one man anywhere is perfect, nor will we ever be. But I truly feel sad for these guys and girls who take part in this Social Club and believe that what they are doing is in fact God Ordained. I do not believe this for one bit at all.This book is titled "Dominion." Taken from the scripture, in which God gives Man dominion over all the land animals, birds of the air, and creatures of the sea. This assignment was given to man to take care of, and watch over, and do right by. Not take advantage of, put a price on, entertain yourself with.
After reading this chapter, the only thing that rang in my head for the next few hours, was the part of scripture that Jesus spoke, when he said; There will come a day when these people approach me and say "Lord, Lord, Look at all the great things we have done in your name." And I will turn to them and say "I do not know you. Depart from me you evildoers."
I do not believe it is always the obvious things that society sees to be the reason Jesus said these words. Things like Addiction, Thievery, Greed, Lust, Etc. Although very distracting and sinful in their nature. I believe it is the things that have to do with the planet, and the inhabitants that he just might be talking about. The Earth and the way we treat it. The animals and the way we treat them. And Our fellow brothers and sisters, and the way we treat each other.
Love each other and treat each other as if to treat yourself. Take care of this creation, and all of the Life that is in it. It is our responsibility.
Forks Over Knives: My Review

So with our Gift, I ordered two books and this DVD. We looked it up online to check out the reviews, and see the trailers. Read the websites information, and decided to add it to our collection.
I love this Documentary! If I had to rate it on a 10 scale. I would give it a 9. The only reason for a 9 being that I wish the extras menu was a little thicker with content and information. Don't get me wrong, it is still full of some Awesome goodies. I personally just would have liked to see some more.
Forks over Knives is not what you would think as far as Documentaries about Plant Based Eating. A lot of times, people automatically jump to the ethical and mistreatment of animals. The slaughterhouse side of things. This one, although it mentions it briefly, does not stick on that. It hits from the angles that were actually what got me interested in this lifestyle. It hits from the health standpoints as well as the scientific studies standpoints. The fact that the Western Diet has put almost everyone who participates in it into the realm of obesity. Also putting them at risk for so many diseases.
One half of the story line follows two Doctors. Both born into a Dairy Farm Family, both rank high in their field, and both walked a similar path in medicine, just from two different angles, both about to discover information and factual evidence, that would change their lives as well as many others.
Doctor Colin Campbell from Cornell University, started doing studies on the effects of diets consisting of high animal proteins and low animal proteins in the 60's. Finding out that the effects of animal proteins on the human system is disastrous, and will lead to severe problems. This was motivated by his previous information he gathered in the Phillipines. The higher class children who had regular access to animal based proteins in their diets were coming down with severe diseases quicker and more frequently than the poverty children they were their to feed.
Doctor Caldwell Esselstyn from the Cleveland Clinic was one of the leads on the Breast Cancer Task Force. After treating many patients, he would go through research and find that the cancers he was treating was rarely found in many parts of the world, where their diets consisted of minimal to no animal based foods. Both Doctors then began to do some deep research that would produce some ground breaking studies.
Campbell took over a study started many years before him. Titled "The China Study," it was a project that researched 2 years worth of information. They were studying the number of deaths in the whole country of China, and paired that info with the reasons for the deaths. They would eventually find out that the large number of deaths were due to Cancer, Heart Disease, and Diabetes. The areas with these rates were of higher population, and had adapted more of the Western Diet of Eating. The other parts of the country where the deaths were more natural, had not. They had of diet of Plant based whole foods, and little to no Animal at all.
Esselstyn began researching the areas where Cancer and Cardiovascular Diseases were least known or unknown, and found out what their lifestyle and diet habits were like. He too then found that these areas were living on a Plant Based Whole Food diet. He returned home and began a test with Volunteers, and information provided by other Doctors on these volunteers. These people were labeled "Terminal," with so many heart issues, they were not expected to survive for more than a few more years. People with Quadruple Bypass Surgeries, Heart Attacks and Strokes. Near Death People.
The other part of the Story covers the lives of three different people:
Joey, a Landscaper diagnosed with High Blood Pressure and Type 2 Diabetes, was taking 9 different meds a day, equaling $150 a month.
San'Dera, a mom of five and receptionist at a diabetes clinic, diagnosed with diabetes herself as well as hyper tension.
And the Narrator, who unfortunately I do not remember his name right now, ha! But he too had a check up and found out he had High cholesterol, High Blood pressure and High Expansion in his Arteries. He was knocking on the door for a heart attack.
All three of these people were followed as they Participated in a 12 week program. To give up their ways of eating, and use food as a healing medicine. They would eat only Plant Based Whole Foods. NO ANIMAL PRODUCTS, of any kind. The results at the end of the 12 weeks are nothing short of motivational and amazing. The meds they were on, gone. The Blood Pressure, normal. The diabetes, reversed and/or in remission.
Other short parts in the film include Gene Baur, Founder of Farm Sanctuary, who speaks openly about what he does. Mac Danzig, MMA Ultimate Fighter. Holds multiple world titles, and has been vegan for many years, long before he was a champion fighter. Rip Esselstyn, Son of Doctor Esselstyn, and Texas FireFighter, All American Swimmer, and Professional Triathlon Athlete. Talks about the advantages of plant based diets, and how it saved the life of one of his co workers. Along with some other people from Doctor Esselstyn's study groups, and their stories of overcoming fatal disease and heart falures, these stories will do nothing short but inspire you.
This is only a small amount of all the goods that are in this film. So many scientific facts about our body and what we are doing to it, simply based on what we eat.
I HIGHLY recommend this film to Everyone! I do this from a standpoint for Health and Nutrition. Not just Animal Welfare. What we put in our stomachs is Directly related to the problems our system is having.
This Documentary is Not an over the top film. It is put together very well, and is very understandable, as well as very relative to our times.
Imagine for a second, Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Disease and so many other issues like Arthritis, Joint Pain, Osteoporosis, and more, all disappear simply because you made the switch from eating a high Animal Protein Diet, to a Simple and Understandable Plant Based Whole Foods Diet. You can eat as much as you want, and still be healthy. You eat as much as you want, and reverse disease. You become more energetic. You sleep better. You think clearer. All because your body is not struggling to fight off disease, and breakdown complex foods.
Please watch this film, then when it is done, make your choice.
Doctor Colin Campbell from Cornell University, started doing studies on the effects of diets consisting of high animal proteins and low animal proteins in the 60's. Finding out that the effects of animal proteins on the human system is disastrous, and will lead to severe problems. This was motivated by his previous information he gathered in the Phillipines. The higher class children who had regular access to animal based proteins in their diets were coming down with severe diseases quicker and more frequently than the poverty children they were their to feed.
Doctor Caldwell Esselstyn from the Cleveland Clinic was one of the leads on the Breast Cancer Task Force. After treating many patients, he would go through research and find that the cancers he was treating was rarely found in many parts of the world, where their diets consisted of minimal to no animal based foods. Both Doctors then began to do some deep research that would produce some ground breaking studies.
Campbell took over a study started many years before him. Titled "The China Study," it was a project that researched 2 years worth of information. They were studying the number of deaths in the whole country of China, and paired that info with the reasons for the deaths. They would eventually find out that the large number of deaths were due to Cancer, Heart Disease, and Diabetes. The areas with these rates were of higher population, and had adapted more of the Western Diet of Eating. The other parts of the country where the deaths were more natural, had not. They had of diet of Plant based whole foods, and little to no Animal at all.
Esselstyn began researching the areas where Cancer and Cardiovascular Diseases were least known or unknown, and found out what their lifestyle and diet habits were like. He too then found that these areas were living on a Plant Based Whole Food diet. He returned home and began a test with Volunteers, and information provided by other Doctors on these volunteers. These people were labeled "Terminal," with so many heart issues, they were not expected to survive for more than a few more years. People with Quadruple Bypass Surgeries, Heart Attacks and Strokes. Near Death People.
The other part of the Story covers the lives of three different people:
Joey, a Landscaper diagnosed with High Blood Pressure and Type 2 Diabetes, was taking 9 different meds a day, equaling $150 a month.
San'Dera, a mom of five and receptionist at a diabetes clinic, diagnosed with diabetes herself as well as hyper tension.
And the Narrator, who unfortunately I do not remember his name right now, ha! But he too had a check up and found out he had High cholesterol, High Blood pressure and High Expansion in his Arteries. He was knocking on the door for a heart attack.
All three of these people were followed as they Participated in a 12 week program. To give up their ways of eating, and use food as a healing medicine. They would eat only Plant Based Whole Foods. NO ANIMAL PRODUCTS, of any kind. The results at the end of the 12 weeks are nothing short of motivational and amazing. The meds they were on, gone. The Blood Pressure, normal. The diabetes, reversed and/or in remission.
Other short parts in the film include Gene Baur, Founder of Farm Sanctuary, who speaks openly about what he does. Mac Danzig, MMA Ultimate Fighter. Holds multiple world titles, and has been vegan for many years, long before he was a champion fighter. Rip Esselstyn, Son of Doctor Esselstyn, and Texas FireFighter, All American Swimmer, and Professional Triathlon Athlete. Talks about the advantages of plant based diets, and how it saved the life of one of his co workers. Along with some other people from Doctor Esselstyn's study groups, and their stories of overcoming fatal disease and heart falures, these stories will do nothing short but inspire you.
This is only a small amount of all the goods that are in this film. So many scientific facts about our body and what we are doing to it, simply based on what we eat.
I HIGHLY recommend this film to Everyone! I do this from a standpoint for Health and Nutrition. Not just Animal Welfare. What we put in our stomachs is Directly related to the problems our system is having.
This Documentary is Not an over the top film. It is put together very well, and is very understandable, as well as very relative to our times.
Imagine for a second, Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Disease and so many other issues like Arthritis, Joint Pain, Osteoporosis, and more, all disappear simply because you made the switch from eating a high Animal Protein Diet, to a Simple and Understandable Plant Based Whole Foods Diet. You can eat as much as you want, and still be healthy. You eat as much as you want, and reverse disease. You become more energetic. You sleep better. You think clearer. All because your body is not struggling to fight off disease, and breakdown complex foods.
Please watch this film, then when it is done, make your choice.
Along the Way
I had recently replicated a self challenge program from an Artist I look up to and draw influence from. For the last few years that I have been following his work, he has times when he posted sequential works of art, day after day, for a certain amount of days. He would place them together online and title the folder (X) in (X). And Every time he posted something new, he showed progression.
A few months back, I was watching his seminar on dvd. In it, he mentions Why he would challenge himself with these projects, and how he got started on them. It all came about when he was entered into an art show by his mom. She told the gallery that he made wildlife art, which at the time was not one hundred percent true. But in light of opportunity, he decided to do what he could to try and get a place in the show. He had two paintings already done. The gallery wanted at least five. So he decided his best bet was to paint more than they asked for, and let them decide on the ones they would like to hang. So he painted one painting a day, until he had the total he needed. Then sent them off to be decided upon. So goes the beginning of what would become a common practice for him. (X)Paintings in (X)Days.
Why did he continue to do this regularly each year? Not only does something like this force you to create. But it also teaches you discipline, progression, structure, and style. It also helps you to increase your professional portfolio. So at the end of last year I did just that. The number was 35. Because when I decided to try it, there were 35 days until the end of the year.
So there it was. 35 Drawings in 35 Days. I have to say, it was an experience for sure. Each time I would draw something, I felt my confidence grow. I made a rule that I could only use both real life references, or self taken photo references. I did use other photo references sometimes when doing commission works. But either way, it was fun, and not only was I creating something everyday, but I was contributing to my overall body of work, and increasing my portfolio as a professional artist.
After finishing all of the drawings, I received a few messages, as well as had some personal encounters with friends and followers of mine. They felt motivated by my project. A friend of mine is now currently aiming to learn bass lines to one complete song per month, as well as write some of his own bass riffs when available. A photographer I know, who is also a Client of mine and volunteer for My Lady and I's Companies is currently on a project to shoot at least One Artistic HDR Photograph a day for the month of January. Another person I know, a Professional Calligraphy Artist, is setting out to complete One Finished Works each weekend for the rest of the year I believe. These are a few that I personally know of.
When I heard all of this I was very much excited. I took an idea from someone who has been an Inspiration to me, and turned it into a challenge for myself, and in turn inspired people who follow me to do their own personal challenges. All in the name of growing as an Artist, and sharing inspiration with others.
To anyone reading this that may be inspired by my works, I want to say Thank You! As followers of my work, I am motivated by you and your stories as much as you may be inspired by mine. Find your outlet, keep progressing, keep growing. Share your creations with everyone you can. Even if sometimes you do not believe it is as good as it could be. Someone, Somewhere may get inspired by it!
A few months back, I was watching his seminar on dvd. In it, he mentions Why he would challenge himself with these projects, and how he got started on them. It all came about when he was entered into an art show by his mom. She told the gallery that he made wildlife art, which at the time was not one hundred percent true. But in light of opportunity, he decided to do what he could to try and get a place in the show. He had two paintings already done. The gallery wanted at least five. So he decided his best bet was to paint more than they asked for, and let them decide on the ones they would like to hang. So he painted one painting a day, until he had the total he needed. Then sent them off to be decided upon. So goes the beginning of what would become a common practice for him. (X)Paintings in (X)Days.
Why did he continue to do this regularly each year? Not only does something like this force you to create. But it also teaches you discipline, progression, structure, and style. It also helps you to increase your professional portfolio. So at the end of last year I did just that. The number was 35. Because when I decided to try it, there were 35 days until the end of the year.
So there it was. 35 Drawings in 35 Days. I have to say, it was an experience for sure. Each time I would draw something, I felt my confidence grow. I made a rule that I could only use both real life references, or self taken photo references. I did use other photo references sometimes when doing commission works. But either way, it was fun, and not only was I creating something everyday, but I was contributing to my overall body of work, and increasing my portfolio as a professional artist.
After finishing all of the drawings, I received a few messages, as well as had some personal encounters with friends and followers of mine. They felt motivated by my project. A friend of mine is now currently aiming to learn bass lines to one complete song per month, as well as write some of his own bass riffs when available. A photographer I know, who is also a Client of mine and volunteer for My Lady and I's Companies is currently on a project to shoot at least One Artistic HDR Photograph a day for the month of January. Another person I know, a Professional Calligraphy Artist, is setting out to complete One Finished Works each weekend for the rest of the year I believe. These are a few that I personally know of.
When I heard all of this I was very much excited. I took an idea from someone who has been an Inspiration to me, and turned it into a challenge for myself, and in turn inspired people who follow me to do their own personal challenges. All in the name of growing as an Artist, and sharing inspiration with others.
To anyone reading this that may be inspired by my works, I want to say Thank You! As followers of my work, I am motivated by you and your stories as much as you may be inspired by mine. Find your outlet, keep progressing, keep growing. Share your creations with everyone you can. Even if sometimes you do not believe it is as good as it could be. Someone, Somewhere may get inspired by it!
A Revalation
"Isn't it funny sometimes how, we find ourselves living, like the way we said we'd never live." A line from a song called Teach the World, by a band called Boxelder from South Florida.
Interesting enough, I believe this line is just as much as a positive, as it can be a negative. I look at it with new eyes now a days. I am not anywhere near what I would have thought about say five years ago. Let alone ten years ago. But for instants, let's put it back ten years just for fun.
Ten years ago, I would have been twenty years old. At this stage in my life I was working as a short order line cook, and kitchen lead in a sports bar and restaurant. The menu was consistent with most sports bars you may be familiar with; Pizza, Wings, Ribs, Steaks, Burgers and the like. I worked six days a week, total of fifty five hours. Prepping, Cooking, Drinking and Socializing every day. All of my meals were out and about. Rarely ever eating at home, less it was laundry day. In which case I had some of mom's home meals. Usually Steak and Potatoes kinda meals. This was life as I knew it, and in my head there was no changes going to ever happen. Unless it was to go higher up in the kitchen to kitchen manager, or restaurant owner.
Take it forward to Present Day. I am now labeled as a pure vegetarian, or vegan by some. This choice for me was made recently. But for the last two years I was more conscious about what I ate than ever before. I was a Pescetarian, Or someone who is mainly vegetarian but still eats seafood. My Lady and I just recently made the final switch to pure, for a few reasons. The number one reason for me was health. I come from a family line who carries heart diseases and complications. Also a few of my close family members have been diagnosed or have died due to cancer, and other life threatening diseases. I have a Son now, and when My Lady and I began researching what it was we were giving him in his foods and drinks. What was in his medications and what was in his recommended vaccinations. We were actually aggravated. We realized we too were taking in all this garbage. So we started our venture to become a Pure Vegetarian Household.
We read a bunch of books, and watched many hours of documentaries and educational films and shorts. It all kept adding up and making more sense as we went further into it. The movies became more graphic. The speeches became stronger, and more factual and were backed up by miles of research and education. Now, I want to keep soaking up more and study more myself, personally, so that I too may be a teacher of this way. Why? Because participating in a Plant Based Diet Saves us, and Cures us from disease and early deaths. The facts are there and the proof has been documented by many different sources, doctors, independent study groups, etc.
I am also interested in studying more in my Faith, and Scripture to see what it says about this type of living. From brief overviews and write ups I have seen and read about, I understand that Biblical Diets were based around plants and seeds and nuts. Meat was eaten by many. Usually fish. But such meats like Cattle, Sheep, Quail, and other domesticated farm animals were in fact eaten. To my understanding though, it was not a regular affair such as we do now. Not to mention the quality of the meat that was eaten compared to the garbage that is at the markets now. Meat was usually consumed either during a Celebration or Feast to which the "Fatty Calf" was prepared, or meat was prepared after a Sacrifice for Cleansing of Sin.
My Lady and I were talking the other night, and she had mentioned something in a animal video she caught and how disgusting, and sad it was. Somehow it triggered a thought process in my brain. When we post videos, or mention write ups, or books about Animal Cruelty, Animal Welfare, Factory Farming, Dairy Farming, Vegan-ism, or subjects of the like; The first comments I guarantee most people would come up with would be " Oh I cannot watch this," or " Why would you share this, I cannot hear that/ see that/ know that." We share because it is the WHERE and the HOW. There are not too many people anymore who want to actually know HOW their food is made. They just want to eat it and enjoy the final product. But what if most people were forced to oversee the whole process?
In the old testament, To become cleansed of your sins, you were required to bring a Sacrifice to the alter. More times than not, this was the best of the best of your flock. Be it any of the animals listed above. For some families this was a food crop of some sort, but in most cases documented, an animal. Having seen the videos and undercover documentaries I have, paired with the studies I have read, or heard spoken about these times, I cannot see this task as being something easy in any way. Animals in these times were a sign of wealth and prosperity. They were used in trading, or bartering for other materials, goods, or flocks. Even sometimes given as gifts in exchange for daughters hands in marriage. Beyond that, the animals were usually taken care of by the Family. The Fathers, Sons, and Grandsons. Generations of the Family were required to watch over the flocks. Make sure they were healthy, fed, and well cared for. Thus making them to be almost the equivalent of today's domesticated cats, dogs and birds. So when it came time for one to cleanse themselves and their family from sin, they were commanded to take the best they had. That means taking the healthiest, the archetype the bloodline, the leader of the pack. Walking it to the Synagogue or the Alter; presenting it to God in Prayer and Preparation; and then sacrificing the animal in a designated, kosher way ordered by God.
Now the conversation with my lady went in a sour direction for a moment here. With good understanding too. Like she mentioned to me, this sounds cult like. But like many other examples of scripture that people give, WITHOUT all the other context around it, an the whole story, it will not make total sense.
So again with this understanding of the sacrifice, I could not see this being an easy task. I myself cannot personally visualize myself taking the life of anyone or any animal, especially by my own hand. After watching the heartless Slaughter done to animals in these Factory Farms and Slaughter Houses, this process makes total sense as being classified as Sacrifice. They were taking a life, but it was also taking away their income, and chances to make more of that breeding line. The animal did not just get aimlessly murdered though. They were also commended to prepare it in a certain way that was acceptable, and respectful to God. Then it was served. Leftovers were given to those in need. the bones and skins used to cloth and provide tools for the families, as well as those in need. (* Again, all of the details may not be as in depth or as surface as they could be. This understanding is from my personal readings and studies, in accordance to my memory. I aim to dive deeper into this.)
My Point?
We as a society are disconnected. The pointless Slaughter of Farm Animals, and Wild Animals for human Consumption and Selfish Decoration is beyond belief. The abundance of these products are not only clogging up our society, but is also destroying our environment, our bodies, our brains and connection to one another. There are absolutely NO health benefits of eating or consuming animals or animal products. I believe in the days of Sacrifice for Sins, we understood that animals were part of the planet, just as we are. They were designed to live on the land with us, and enjoy this life. Taking their life was a hard thing to do. We knew it was our fault for not living as we should, and that these animals would have to die because of this. (*I personally believe it was not in vane either, I believe God replaced them plentifully back into the Earth.)
Not much now is so different from that. Billions of documented animals are dying or being forced to produce bodily fluids for Human Consumption & Decoration. We are not living as we should, and these animals are dying for us because of it. But now, there is no cleansing of sins for their deaths. (This ended with the Sacrifice of Jesus according to Christian Faith.) So now these animals are dying simply from our greed. All of it hidden under the misconception that it is normal, and good for our health.
To say we cannot watch the videos, To say we cannot read the books, To say we cannot hear the sounds, is as if to say " I do not care about Myself. I do not care about the Animals. I do not care about Our Children. I do not care about our Future. I do not care about our Environment. I do not care to know where it comes from, or how it effects any of these things. I just want to taste it. No matter what the Cost!"
*I know some people who read this will be aggravated, I am talking about some "Sensative" topics. Faith and Food. But understand, this is the lifestyle I choose. The lifestyle I continually learn more about. The lifestyle I wish to share with anyone willing to listen. So if you have any questions, or advice, or if you just wanna call me a jerk and a know-it-all knows nothing, feel free to email me!
Interesting enough, I believe this line is just as much as a positive, as it can be a negative. I look at it with new eyes now a days. I am not anywhere near what I would have thought about say five years ago. Let alone ten years ago. But for instants, let's put it back ten years just for fun.
Ten years ago, I would have been twenty years old. At this stage in my life I was working as a short order line cook, and kitchen lead in a sports bar and restaurant. The menu was consistent with most sports bars you may be familiar with; Pizza, Wings, Ribs, Steaks, Burgers and the like. I worked six days a week, total of fifty five hours. Prepping, Cooking, Drinking and Socializing every day. All of my meals were out and about. Rarely ever eating at home, less it was laundry day. In which case I had some of mom's home meals. Usually Steak and Potatoes kinda meals. This was life as I knew it, and in my head there was no changes going to ever happen. Unless it was to go higher up in the kitchen to kitchen manager, or restaurant owner.
Take it forward to Present Day. I am now labeled as a pure vegetarian, or vegan by some. This choice for me was made recently. But for the last two years I was more conscious about what I ate than ever before. I was a Pescetarian, Or someone who is mainly vegetarian but still eats seafood. My Lady and I just recently made the final switch to pure, for a few reasons. The number one reason for me was health. I come from a family line who carries heart diseases and complications. Also a few of my close family members have been diagnosed or have died due to cancer, and other life threatening diseases. I have a Son now, and when My Lady and I began researching what it was we were giving him in his foods and drinks. What was in his medications and what was in his recommended vaccinations. We were actually aggravated. We realized we too were taking in all this garbage. So we started our venture to become a Pure Vegetarian Household.
We read a bunch of books, and watched many hours of documentaries and educational films and shorts. It all kept adding up and making more sense as we went further into it. The movies became more graphic. The speeches became stronger, and more factual and were backed up by miles of research and education. Now, I want to keep soaking up more and study more myself, personally, so that I too may be a teacher of this way. Why? Because participating in a Plant Based Diet Saves us, and Cures us from disease and early deaths. The facts are there and the proof has been documented by many different sources, doctors, independent study groups, etc.
I am also interested in studying more in my Faith, and Scripture to see what it says about this type of living. From brief overviews and write ups I have seen and read about, I understand that Biblical Diets were based around plants and seeds and nuts. Meat was eaten by many. Usually fish. But such meats like Cattle, Sheep, Quail, and other domesticated farm animals were in fact eaten. To my understanding though, it was not a regular affair such as we do now. Not to mention the quality of the meat that was eaten compared to the garbage that is at the markets now. Meat was usually consumed either during a Celebration or Feast to which the "Fatty Calf" was prepared, or meat was prepared after a Sacrifice for Cleansing of Sin.
My Lady and I were talking the other night, and she had mentioned something in a animal video she caught and how disgusting, and sad it was. Somehow it triggered a thought process in my brain. When we post videos, or mention write ups, or books about Animal Cruelty, Animal Welfare, Factory Farming, Dairy Farming, Vegan-ism, or subjects of the like; The first comments I guarantee most people would come up with would be " Oh I cannot watch this," or " Why would you share this, I cannot hear that/ see that/ know that." We share because it is the WHERE and the HOW. There are not too many people anymore who want to actually know HOW their food is made. They just want to eat it and enjoy the final product. But what if most people were forced to oversee the whole process?
In the old testament, To become cleansed of your sins, you were required to bring a Sacrifice to the alter. More times than not, this was the best of the best of your flock. Be it any of the animals listed above. For some families this was a food crop of some sort, but in most cases documented, an animal. Having seen the videos and undercover documentaries I have, paired with the studies I have read, or heard spoken about these times, I cannot see this task as being something easy in any way. Animals in these times were a sign of wealth and prosperity. They were used in trading, or bartering for other materials, goods, or flocks. Even sometimes given as gifts in exchange for daughters hands in marriage. Beyond that, the animals were usually taken care of by the Family. The Fathers, Sons, and Grandsons. Generations of the Family were required to watch over the flocks. Make sure they were healthy, fed, and well cared for. Thus making them to be almost the equivalent of today's domesticated cats, dogs and birds. So when it came time for one to cleanse themselves and their family from sin, they were commanded to take the best they had. That means taking the healthiest, the archetype the bloodline, the leader of the pack. Walking it to the Synagogue or the Alter; presenting it to God in Prayer and Preparation; and then sacrificing the animal in a designated, kosher way ordered by God.
Now the conversation with my lady went in a sour direction for a moment here. With good understanding too. Like she mentioned to me, this sounds cult like. But like many other examples of scripture that people give, WITHOUT all the other context around it, an the whole story, it will not make total sense.
So again with this understanding of the sacrifice, I could not see this being an easy task. I myself cannot personally visualize myself taking the life of anyone or any animal, especially by my own hand. After watching the heartless Slaughter done to animals in these Factory Farms and Slaughter Houses, this process makes total sense as being classified as Sacrifice. They were taking a life, but it was also taking away their income, and chances to make more of that breeding line. The animal did not just get aimlessly murdered though. They were also commended to prepare it in a certain way that was acceptable, and respectful to God. Then it was served. Leftovers were given to those in need. the bones and skins used to cloth and provide tools for the families, as well as those in need. (* Again, all of the details may not be as in depth or as surface as they could be. This understanding is from my personal readings and studies, in accordance to my memory. I aim to dive deeper into this.)
My Point?
We as a society are disconnected. The pointless Slaughter of Farm Animals, and Wild Animals for human Consumption and Selfish Decoration is beyond belief. The abundance of these products are not only clogging up our society, but is also destroying our environment, our bodies, our brains and connection to one another. There are absolutely NO health benefits of eating or consuming animals or animal products. I believe in the days of Sacrifice for Sins, we understood that animals were part of the planet, just as we are. They were designed to live on the land with us, and enjoy this life. Taking their life was a hard thing to do. We knew it was our fault for not living as we should, and that these animals would have to die because of this. (*I personally believe it was not in vane either, I believe God replaced them plentifully back into the Earth.)
Not much now is so different from that. Billions of documented animals are dying or being forced to produce bodily fluids for Human Consumption & Decoration. We are not living as we should, and these animals are dying for us because of it. But now, there is no cleansing of sins for their deaths. (This ended with the Sacrifice of Jesus according to Christian Faith.) So now these animals are dying simply from our greed. All of it hidden under the misconception that it is normal, and good for our health.
To say we cannot watch the videos, To say we cannot read the books, To say we cannot hear the sounds, is as if to say " I do not care about Myself. I do not care about the Animals. I do not care about Our Children. I do not care about our Future. I do not care about our Environment. I do not care to know where it comes from, or how it effects any of these things. I just want to taste it. No matter what the Cost!"
*I know some people who read this will be aggravated, I am talking about some "Sensative" topics. Faith and Food. But understand, this is the lifestyle I choose. The lifestyle I continually learn more about. The lifestyle I wish to share with anyone willing to listen. So if you have any questions, or advice, or if you just wanna call me a jerk and a know-it-all knows nothing, feel free to email me!
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