
Forgiven in Faith

I'm far from perfect, I have offended many, I have misguided many, I have been a terrible example of Faith in Christ. To all of you I have put in these categories, or them alike, I am truly sorry! For the past few years, my wandering ways and selfish ambition have got the best of me, and lead me away from He who should lead me. I'm sorry for the way I was, and I hope you can find it in you to forgive me. I am headed back to His path, and I would like some company!

One of the best things I come to realize about Faith in Christ, is the simple understanding, that once you give your heart to God, and ask him to forgive you, you are truly forgiven, and then are accepted into the Family of the Lord. The highly dis functional, sporadic, imperfect, over the top, fun loving family that pretty much operates with the faith in a Savior who loved us long before anyone ever knew who he was. Its pretty hard to fathom sometimes. Putting your Faith about your life, love, and well being in something that your not really sure even exists? How crazy can one be? Well until you take the first step into that Faith you may never know! It's the first step to a relationship, not a religion.
I'm sorry if you are among the generation that was force fed the Bible, page by page, misinterpretation by misinterpretation, one guilt sandwich after another. The Faith is pretty simple - Trust and Love God First, Believe in Jesus Christ, Follow the Spirit that Guides you, and Love one another as yourself. That's the basics I think. Everything after that comes through the practice and study of the Faith Manuel. Like all things that you must function and operate properly, there is a manual to being a follower. The Bible. That dusty book in the basement, or desk drawer, or boxed away in the attic, in some cases holding up you nightstand's floating leg, (some versions are hard to read, but don't fret, they make different versions for different readers!) The Bible is the Manuel to follow, to help you understand the Faith, as well as the Relationship to the Lord and Father. As you begin to see who They are, They begin to explain the third part, The Spirit, that guides you in all things! (as long as you are listening) that's a catch to the rules. You have to be on guard all the time. Ready to react in an instant. Ready to hear or feel the spiritual guidance.
It's never to late to give the relationship a try. Forget the garbage you hear in the papers, forget about the ecstatic preacher telling you you are going to burn in hell for whatever whatever. If you want to see what the real deal is about God, Ask Him!
Seriously, ask Him in truth! Don't just say to Him, "How bout proving to me your real?" That's an easy answer. You can look around and see that. Ask him a truthful question, maybe one along the lines of this:

"If you are real like they say you are God, then I believe. Forgive me for ignoring you all these years, and heal my heart of all the troubles and burdens I have. Please set me free and show me your Love! Cover me with forgiveness! Let me know your there Jesus, and lead me in your relationship."

If you dare say this with a heart of truth, and you mean it, you will change fast, and like I tell many, and many told me, you can tell it happens when the first thing to change is your heart, you will feel relieved, like a big breath of fresh air, and then almost immediately you brain will tell you "You did not do it right, you are not free, you messed up, etc. etc." but I tell you my friend, If you put your Faith in your request for forgiveness, and your heart is true, you will be set free. "and who the Son sets free, is truly free indeed!

Many Blessings to you my reader, Amen.

1 comment:

Christine Ann Photography said...

this is great Derek, I have meant to ask Chelle before but do you guys have a home church?