
Cheating Your Creativity

I think about what it is to be an Artist lately. What does it take to truly call yourself an Artist. Who makes the conclusions that you really are, in fact, an Artist.

Theoretically, we are all an Artist. By some form or another, if we are involved in a any form of creating, we exceed well at, and continue to progress at, you can be considered an Artist. But that is not what I am wanting t talk about. I have been thinking lately, about the Industry and the Culture I choose to be a part of. Tattoo Artistry and Fine Arts. A community of Creators, and Inspiring minds. Making 3d illusions of space, depth, and dimension on a 2d plane. People that compose masterpieces, that sometimes only the collector themselves can consider it being.
The way I look at it, to consider yourself a true Artist, one should be able to truly create something from nothing. Whatever medium it is, I believe a true artist should be seasoned in the basics of design and composition.

I did not attend college, nor did I learn an extensive amount of artistry in high school. But I did learn about the basics. Almost every art class I had, from kindergarten all the way up through high school, every Art class taught the basics. Shape, Form, Structure and Dimension. How to draw the shapes. How to create points of perspective. How to shop distance and depth through overlapping, and size differences. How to create shadows and tones with only one color. The Color Wheel, and how to use it to create every color, tint, tone and shadow there is. All of these things are basics, taught on a fundamentals level. For anyone interested in wanting to learn. It is with all this information taht you can begin to experiment and create.

One basic teaching that is learned as well, is the ability to draw in Real Time. Or being able to draw what is in front of you. Still Life. Figure Drawing. Looking at a subject matter, and portraying it on a 2d surface. It is here, that I believe is one of the main factors that can define a true Artist. The ability to be able to put yourself in front of a subject matter, and create what you see, accurately, and as true as possible. I do not mean it has to be an exact replication with every dent, ding, wrinkle and shadow there is. But I do believe that anyone that looks at whatever it is you created, and compares it to the subject you were looking at, they will see what you were doing and be able to understand it.

When it comes down to the Tattoo Industry now a days, it is sad to see that so much of it has been high jacked. By people who are considering themselves to be Artists, when in fact, the work they create is more times than not, a poor replication of a tracing of a picture . . .

Now before you jump down my throats abut this I must say, I fully understand the advantages of Tracing Inspirational line works and line studies. This part of becoming a tattooer is essential to the apprenticeship. It teaches movements, and line weights and use of line work in both positive and negative ways. But being able to trace Does Not make you an Artist.

Another way I see the term Artist get high jacked in the Tattoo Industry, is the rise of Realism and Portraiture Tattoos. How can you tell the difference on who the Artist is from who the Replicator is? It will be hard. There are some really good replicators out there. The difference would come down to time when they will be challenged to draw a custom, or commissioned drawing. Not necessarily a portrait, but something with different layers to it. Even then, sometimes the only way to tell is by seeing the process.

It is at this point that I have unfortunately lost a little emotion for some artists that I used to draw a lot of inspiration from. I would follow their websites, and/or social network pages, and I would catch a Progress shot from a project they are currently working on. Where most people would see a canvas or board with some reference markings, I would see something different. As a tattooer, I made it a point to learn as much as I could, therefore making my portfolio open to as many styles as I could. When I learned to do Portrait tattoos, I had to learn the proper techniques to creating a readable, accurate stencil. Making that tattoo that much more successful. After learning these techniques, and having them stored in my brain, I would be able to recognize portrait tattoo style stenciling. Step back to when I follow some of those websites, I would see a progress shot, with portrait tattoo style stenciling on it.

To make this happen in short form, one would trace the stencil straight off the photo of the reference. Thus making all the shapes, dimensions, lines, shadows, highlights and tonal changes EXACT to the photo. How does this then make it to canvas? Could be a few ways. Back lighting a stretched canvas with a blown up stencil taped to it, makes a makeshift light box transfer. Wood or other materials could have a carbon stencil transferred to them by hand, or by tattoo application. Then there is also tracing a projection of the image.

Once this process is completed, the only real thing the person is doing, is turning a tracing of a photograph into a coloring book on canvas. They are cheating themselves by not challenging themselves to become a more progressive and advanced artist. During the color process, or filler process of the art, the creator can give the illusion of artistry by applying different techniques in fades and shadows and use of color. But my opinion on the matter, this is not to be considered Artist. As Chris Rock told Jason Lee, "You not an Artist, you a tracer. You trace someone else's work and color it. You a Tracer." (Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back)

The techniques I described above I do not want to deem useless for an artist. There is just a time and a place for them to be used. And I believe it should be the complete creation of the artist using them, and not a tracing of someone or something else.

So be it Tattooing, or Fine Art creating. I believe a true Artist possesses the ability to create from scratch. Use references, we all do. Get motivated by someone else's art, we all do. Practice, and trace the lines and movements and fades of other artists, we all do. But understand how all of these things work, then use the understanding, and apply it.

But Please, Challenge yourself! Challenge yourself to create. Draw from life. Draw something that is in front of you. Put something in front of you and draw it. Paint it. Mold it. Shape it. Build it. Whatever you do to create. Just do not limit yourself to tracing and replicating other peoples things. It waters down the Body of Art, and it slows down the Creative movement this culture continues to create.

Telling your story, and speaking with your passion, and portraying your voice in your art will be much more inspirational for both you, your collectors, and your fans. It will take practice, over and over and over again. But it will pay off . . .


Love is . . .

I wanna walk you into a story. It is about a woman. A fantastic woman to be precise. A woman that is the meaning of the word Love.

Her childhood was all but normal. Not to say she did not do the normal things children did, just that most normal kids do not have to juggle the events and the heartache this woman juggles. Self inflicted? Not so much. More like victim of decisions on behalf of her elders. Caught up in the disputes of others. Feeling like there was not much to grasp on to, she walked through it all into the early teens feeling lonely.

On the way home from school one day, choosing to walk a distance longer than normal, she came across something that would spark life into her falling faith. A dog. A shepherd mix, happened to be wandering in the general path she was walking. A few hand motions and a quiet still voice was all she needed to release to attract the pup into her personal circle. With some quick unconditional love in return, the pup began to shadow her all the way home. Knowing that she was not allowed animals in the house, the pup stayed in the pool shed just outside the backdoor. She would take a few minutes at a time and go outside to give it food and water. Show the pup some love then go back inside. This only went on for so long before her mother found out about it. Luckily, she caved to the acceptance when she saw the pup was already progressing with basic obedience and training. Thus a relationship with dogs began in this young girls heart. The pup became her best friend for years to come. Following her to and from the bus stop, and in some scenarios her protector from bullies, as they were to change schools fairly often.

In years to come, the now young woman would grow to enjoy all sorts of animal encounters. She picked up a job in her early years maintaining horses and their stalls. Continually doing such a top notch job, she caught the attention of some owners. They hired her to take care of their race horses. Set them up, bring them in, and calm them down. Train them during the week. Eventually, becoming a racer herself. Loving all the challenges of the horse training, she purchased herself three. A male who no others wanted to attempt to train. A female who was below standards and not cared for properly, and a smaller than normal male with a larger than Life personality but smaller than money expectations.

She turned these horses around with grace and quickness. The first male would go on to become a champion. So much so he was nominated to chosen to run a Gold Cup Race in the south. The female turned around to become a high stakes runner. With a personality of cat. So mellow and loving to her, she would be able to go into the stall with her while she was laying still, and herself lay on the horse like a chase lounge. Read a book and at some points even nap, all with the horse in complete comfort. For the final male, he too would change for the better. He grew higher and higher in personality. Almost considered to be the biggest joker. He would lay down the fastest times of any other horse on the track. Then, in moments of complete irony, he would enter the race last, and taunt the other competitors to race him.

Her life in the stalls ran fair and just for a while. The days ended when her Champion male was mistakenly cared for and stalled wrong. Creating major damage in his legs. Deemed unable to race, he was transferred to a sanctuary to live out his life. He Champion female would be bumped up to the high stakes races. Increasing her odds, but in an unfortunate scenario, increasing her buy out. After winning a major race, she was purchased away from her, with no chance of buy back. Her little male with the huge personality was also released to the sanctuary. With no real motive to race, just run and have fun, he was to enjoy his life with a smile on his face.

Our Lady of the story would not let these negatives detour her. She found a job in an animal Veterinarian hospital. Working with world class veterinarians. Not to mention almost every type of animal you can imagine. From the domestic cats n dogs, to the not so domestic monkeys, goats, tigers and more. For years she served as a great employee and soaked up any and all the knowledge and experiences she could. unknowingly preparing her for her future endeavors.

She would find herself in a position to make a difference in a dogs life again. While on break at a job, she was told there was a dog in bad shape that needed help in a strong way. She arose to the occasion and found the location, and ended up purchasing the dog in need for twenty dollars. She came with a broken jaw, rib cage showing and legs that could barely stand. It took her almost three or four months of everyday love and care. But this pup regained all life, and became her best friend. Bringing our main character right back to square one of our story.

With a few broken relationships throughout her growing up, our lady found her life and love in animals. Dogs being her number one, and Horses her number two. One could venture to say she would be on a path most traveled. That is until the day she found a new challenge. A case she had never really been through before. Because this case would pose many new, unknown steps.

She has been through so much already. Dogs deemed so bad, they were not adoptable, not trainable, not fit for loving homes. She proved them wrong. Horses deemed useless, and not worth the time needed to turn them over. She proved them wrong. Exotic birds, so ill tempered and full of noise, they were also deemed not adoptable, not worth the time or efforts. She turned those decisions on their face. So what could this new adventure pose that would be so challenging?

A man. Not by character, but by societies rule. More like a child in an adult body. Stuck in an area that seemed to be detrimental to his well being, she would see and hear the graceful being inside behind all the rough, hardened, lost outer shell. They made themselves acquaintances. Keeping casual conversation and time to time connections. Coming out of a failed relationship, she approached with caution. For months they kept contact. More and more frequent contact would come about. Then a meeting. Then a decision. She too was wanting a change as was he. So they set out to enjoy life together. Take head on, whatever faced them. So that is what they did.

Together they set out to create a new family! One that would be from love. One that would include those who were and were not blood. One that could be so strong and motivated, change would become normal. Even find themselves in the subject of creation! A baby boy was to be joining their home. Then, replay happens. Our Female finds herself in a reflection of her past. Our male has created static. He has wandered. He has been selfish. He has lost his focus. In all that was happening, he has also shown something else. He has shown our female, she is in Love. She knows because it hurts. Like the hurt she felt in the early years division. Like the hurt she felt when she was subject to the arguments. The hurt that makes her hide inside.

But unlike many before her. She stands firm. She faces the demons of hers as well as his. She looks them in the face and speaks with sharpness. She tell him she is here to stay! She will not let them destroy what they have created. She shows the unconditional love she has learned over the years. That love that believes in truth. That love that believes in nobility. That love that believes in more than emotion. She is Love.

This stance shows our male a love he has never really experienced before. Someone that stands by him and says, he is better than these demons. He is better than his actions. He is better than the person he sees in the mirror. She demands better, He pursues it. For her, for their son, for himself.

This story is about My Lady! She is the most awesome person I know. I could not write enough about her. I wrote this story so some may see a back story to her life. How she has come to use Love to conquer her challenges. That some may come to know some of the trials she has gone through and the story that has come to build her into the greatness she is today!

I have been one of the hardest things she has ever had to deal with I believe. The whole way through, she has stood by me and Loved me. Even when I do not love myself. Now, it is time that I return it. It may be late, but it's better than never.

You are an amazing Woman. An amazing Mother. An amazing partner. I know that times get hard on you. I know that all the stuff around us seems to be aiming to destroy us. I know that things get overwhelming. I am here with you! I am here to carry this with you! No matter what. I have never wanted to become anything better than what I could put out as it was. I always stayed within my comfort zone. Your love for me has shown that I can venture out. I can take risks. I can even fall short at times, and you still Love me, because you are there with me, taking the risk with me. We have the greatest kid ever! I don't just say it cause he is ours, I say it because it is confirmed by many who meet him! Even our enemies have admitted he is awesome! You are doing such a good job at being a mom. You love him like you love me, and look what has come about from that. I have forcefully made myself face myself. I am changing my core, because you refused to let me accept the false identity that I created for myself. You show me that I am better than what I have been. You show us so much. All the while, you balance the major duties of a functioning Rescue, Trainer, and Educator. Who else does this without assistance.

It is time for you to Love yourself too. You have done countless deeds for many. Both animal and human. You have been through so much. Not even described here cause I know you would have my head if I told them stories! I have brought you through some major heartache. For all of this I am sorry, again and again. But I love you, and I am blessed to be with you. I cannot wait to see what God has planned for us next. You are my role model. I aim to Love you as you have me.

I want to carry your weights. I want to tackle your demons. I want to be your pillow to rest on. I want to build our characters. I want to build our faith. I want to change this world. I want us to be the Lights in the Darkness. I want us to let go together, serve together, Love together, Rise together, grow old together, and pass on together.

Your awesome!
You are My Lady!
I am your Fella!
I heart You!



It's interesting enough to see the boom of acceptance in the tattoo industry. It has become very beneficial to the community in a way. As a Tattoo Artist, the level of clientele has become amazing. Ranging from rag tag collectors to professional business men and woman. Everywhere you look you see someone, somewhere, showing off a tattoo. The last time I read I believe the percentage was somewhere between 25-35% of the nation has at least one.

Also with the boom of the tattoo culture came the boom in people who want to be tattooers. The attraction to the industry in self explanatory. The possibility to create live art that lasts a lifetime and is a permanent reminder of that moment in time, or that unforgettable subject. It really is an amazing thing. Just the simple act of application of a tattoo and to be able to do it successfully and clean is self gratifying in itself to the tattooer.

I love this industry. I have learned so many new outlets for my artistic creations. I have met a bunch of motivated and motivational individuals. In the last six years, this industry has made me a very happy individual. Although I did not treat it as so for a while, got hung up in myself and made some bad decisions, I still love it, and will continue to redeem my negative decisions with proper decision and execution.

The hardest part about this industry right now is the fact that so many new doors have opened. I do not mean so many new outlet doors for myself. I mean so many new tattoo studios are popping up everywhere. In certain areas this is not a terrible thing. It creates a form of competition almost, a challenge to become a better artist and open up to become a better artistic community. But unfortunately this is not true in most scenes that I am witness too or have been currently reading about. These shops that are continually popping up out of nowhere are usually bad news.

I live in Luzurne County Pennsylvania. I have been here for almost four years now. In that time I have worked for three studios prior to the one I am in now. (As stated before, I made some terrible decisions causing most of the bouncing around. I have since manned up to my mistakes and sought help to fix em.) Since I started working in this area I would have to estimate there to be almost 9 new tattoo studios that have opened in that time. Out of them all I would seriously say maybe 2 of them are capable of putting out quality, long lasting, legit tattoos. The rest of them sad to say are not.

The tattoos coming from the majority of these studio in this area have been less than par. At least by the average consumer standards that I have been witness to over the last few years.

Another issues with so many studios at once, the experience factor. The majority of the shops in this county now are made up of half to less than half apprenticed tattooers. By this I mean, people that have gone to someone to get an apprenticeship, either quit or got released from the apprenticeship due to whatever, and then went out and got money somehow and opened up there own place because of the bad taste in there mouth from it. If not this scenario, it is a shop that is opened by someone who saw the success of tattooers somewhere, and decided it is something they can "do", bought a tattoo kit from somewhere online, got their business license and opened their own shop. Now how does this all relate to the customer?

Customers deserve quality, respect and good product.

What makes a good tattoo?
By my experience as a collector, and as a tattoo artist, I believe what makes a good tattoo goes not just into the tattoo itself, but the overall atmosphere and experience.

As a Collector: I expect a shop/studio to be clean, comfortable and professional. I expect the artists in the studio to be professional in a sense as well. Welcoming and relaxed is great, but lack of professionalism is a negative. I would also like to see a portfolio for all tattooing artists in the studio, and if available I would like to see some healed work in person as well. (Most tattooers usually work on one or more people in the studio they tattoo in.) I expect to be treated as an individual. I like my ideas for my tattoo to be respected and to be though about when creating the design. I expect the tattoo to be along the lines of the ideas that I gave to the artist to work with. If such design may not look proper or look proportionate, I would expect the artist to be professional and explain why this is. Then I would expect them to offer an idea that may work as well and still be consistent with the original idea in mind.

As a Tattoo Artist: I aim to give the customer the design they are looking for, or as much of it as they are looking for. The first thing I recommend is for them to look through my portfolio and to make sure I am the artist they would like to have. If not I can recommend them to someone else that may be more fitting for the task. If so we continue on. I do my best to keep a comfortable atmosphere that is both sterile like a doctor, but as comfortable as a living room. The customer gets to see the design before I finalize it, after I finalize it, as a stencil, and as it sits on there skin. All the while given plenty of opportunity to change the design, size or location of the tattoo itself. When executing the tattoo, I take the time to make sure all the line work is clean and consistand, the shading and/or color work is smooth and consistent as well as what the customer is asking for or suggests for their design. I make sure all the products I use are professional grade, and (by my preference) organic/vegan and bio friendly. When finished, I offer a proper covering for their new tattoo as well as aftercare that is tested and used myself on my own tattoos that is not only friendly to the skin but easily adaptable to each client. All the while keeping a lighthearted atmosphere and open/professional conversation and attitude.

There comes times where an artist has a bad day, or a bad state of mind, or is just in an off mood. This is buy no way the customers fault if they walk into it. It is the tattooers job to either snap out of it and be professional or call off the tattoo until they can regroup. If it is indeed a customer causing the stress to an artist, it is a matter of being open and explaining in a professional and apt manner to the customer at hand what it is that is causing this stress. If a solution can not come too, then they should be asked to leave or be recommended to someone else who may be better suited.

So why all the type about this?

I guess it is because I am seeing a trend for around the industry. Definitely in the County I currently work in, and from what I am seeing from surrounding areas as well. This industry is being high jacked by less that reputable shop owners and tattooers. They are putting out poor quality tattooing, and running the business as a money making profit scheme until the next big thing comes along. The area I live is swelled with pissed off apprentices made tattoo shop owners cutting the throats of those around them who have put their time in, and have worked for years to perfect the craft. Pricing tattoos so low that the Artists who have been working and making a living on the profession they do can not keep at it. Thsi is not completely the Tattooers fault. Some of the blame there in lies on the collector themselves. It seems to be a slow growing trend to have shyt tattoos for cheap prices. The cheaper the tattoo the better. With understanding, the economy is continuing to go downhill, there are still ways that you can get the quality tattoo that you deserve at a good price. The catch is, you have to work with the artist to establish this process. It will usually take time to get it. Multiple sessions even. But I believe that is the issue. People want things now, they want them how they want them, and they want it at their convenience.

A tattoo is to be treasure. No matter the size or the topic or the price. It is a permanent reminder of that moment in time. The experience you received. The love you get from it.

I have seen tattoos make people more confident. I have seen tattoos make people accept themselves better. I have seen tattoos make people more aware of themselves. I have seen tattoos make people fall in love with their body, their personality, their lives. I have seen tattoos draw relationships together. I have seen tattoos open up doors for conversation with people who may other wise never been talked with. I have seen tattoos used as a testament of Faith, and open doors for witnessing. I have seen tattoos bring about honor, courage, confidence and love.

As a collector, you deserve a quality tattoo that you will love for a lifetime. Every glance at that tattoo should make you smile and be happy that you got it. This all comes at a conscious decision on your part.

Look into the artist you are getting tattooed by.
Look into the shop they are working at or own.
Ask around town with multiple collectors who they recommend.
Do not just walk in and accept what they throw at you. If it sounds too good or bad, it is.
Look at portfolio, Look at healed tattoos if available.
Look for cleanliness, Look for sterile equipment, Look for art.
It will take some time but it will be worth it.

Good tattoos are not always cheap.
Cheap tattoos are not always good.

If you are a Tattooer/Artist,
Stay True
Work Hard
Be Professional
Step up your game.
Stop cutting throats and hating on fellow artists for a dollar.

We are all in this business together. We are all professionals trying to build a career and support ourselves, our families, our business. It's not always a shop that you are destroying. It can be someones family, someones kid, someones life. Be conscious of whats around you, and work to make it better. Keep this industry moving forward. Keep this community alive and thriving.


Victim of Tradition

My current feeling at this very moment . . . anxiety and discust.
Why? I believe it is a stir of emotions and beliefs being triggered by the overblown media garbage piled up with the abundance of ignorant and disrespectful nature of so many things.

Last night (May 1st), was the night that President Obama stahled all media in America, and delayed for an hour, the announcement of the "Assassination" of Osama Bin Laden. Then for the rest of that night, and right through the night hours of today, into I am sure the next few days, people celebrate, dance and chear about the news. We see front page stories with the words "Rot in Hell" as the titles. News on every station, in every state, on every radio frequency, broadcasting the "good news."

Almost just as fast as the news is out about his death, there come stories of conspiracy. Websites and News Radio, as well as some Local and Syndicate programs begin to ask questions, and recieving information that is contrary to the "News" we are presented on TV and National Radio Broadcast.

I recieved a link in a message box that had some information in it. It talks about the "Assassination of Bin Laden" being a Hoax. A cover up. A political move. (I include the link at the base of this section.) The Title of the article alone struck my interest to read it. Had this been ten years or so ago, I would have passed it by. After the 9/11 Trade Towers crumble, and the other accounts reported, media such as this shortly came out of the wood works as well. My frame of mind at the time was a "who cares" attitude. I believed all the conspiracy stuff was conspiracy in itself. Just a way to sort of make people angry, and make people not trust America. Looking back on it now, I can say that I would believe some of it could and may be true. Do not get me wrong, I love the fact that I am in America. That I have the freedom to believe and practice what I choose. That I have many freedoms and right other countries do not have. But we also as Americans have the right to challenge our Governments and Leaders. They are elected by the people, for the people. That means We have right to put them to the test. I believe videos, news and media of this nature does that.

Here is the link that I received.

Also on the Home page of that site, or in the Archives section on the Menu Bar are many other stories supporting points in this write up.

I am not posting this to dis-credit our Armed Forces. I believe in our soldiers, and I am greatful for their baravery to fight for us and other contries freedoms. I am posting this as a motivation to look deeper into things and not take them at face value all the time. Just in this story alone there are so many questions that should be able to be answered. There should have been more details in the "News" that seem odd not to be there. Questions like:

  • How did they get three helicopters in the general range of Bin Laden and he not hear them comming? Especially after one of them almost crash landed outside his building.

  • Why was his body dumped at Sea so quickly? Almost instantly after his "Assassination."

  • How has he been tracked for ten years and just now is Assassinated?

  • Why did the President call for an announcement and stop all normal media coverage, only to wait almost an hour or more to share the news.

  • Why do all professional speakers and politicians reporting the "story" studder and use the sound effect "uh" or "um" in between many sentences and words. (Pay attention to that, professional speakers speak fluently, esp. when addressing the nation about truths and plans)

There are so many other things we can ask. Even about the write up on how this all is a Consiracy. I shared this story with some people I know and they asked me if I really believed it. I honestly can say it does seem more believeable than the story the news is presenting. I do not mean any disrespect to anyone who lost some body in the Military, or in the 9/11 Attacks. I believe it is the power behind these things that we need to question.

In the movie "V for Vendeta," the character E.V. points out to her co-worker that the news anchor is liing, while telling the story about the vigilance the night before. The co-worker asks "How do you know?" She replies by saying, "She in blinking a lot. She does that when the she knows the story is false." The media outlets in that movie, and the era of it, is controlled by the government. They tell you the stories they believe you need to hear. Wether it is truth or fabricated. All to keep the control, and the peace. I believe we are in the middle of this interestection of change.

On Democracy Now, (click for link), about a week ago, they spoke about Media Monopolies and mergers. They talked about what this can do, and how this can control what were are told, see, or hear each day of our lives. Verizon and AT&T are now 80+% of our cell phone and wireless coverage. Comcast merged with NBC, and is a high percentage of our television and video media controls. Facebook the number one Social network, not to mention the multiples of outlets it controls. All of these monitored by the Governments and Censorships. Soon enough, they will control all of it, and what we see, and hear will be filtered through them.

Our Food & Drug Industry is another example of how we are becoming what I refer to as "Vitims of Tradition." Almost everything in the Super Market and Side Markets is a product of a Factory Farm or Mass Production Produce Lot. But we are never told that, or givin the details voluntaily about the "farms" they come from. Grow it bigger. Grow it Heavier. Grow it quicker. How? Pump it with steroids, mix it with filler, cut the cost by using man made substitutes. Why? Because we need to make money, and fast. Fun Fact: A family of four can get enough Fruit n Vegitables year round on 1 acre of land. America uses 30% of our nations land to grow Genetically Modified Corn, and use it to feed Factory Farm Feedlot Animals. (Diet for a New America/John Robbins)

When was the last time we stopped to read a label on the back of our food containers? When was the last time we saw an inconsistancy of sizes in our Chickens and Trukeys on the shelves? When was the last time we saw 100% Juice not from concentrate on EVERY bottle of juice on the shelves? When was the last time we had home cooked, from scratch, family dinners? How bout EVERY night? When was the last time we looked into the mirror and saw that we as a nation are OBESE?

But the Doctors Say its what I need to do to get my daily intake of (fill in the blank)! Most doctors in 8-12+ years of study, get 4-8 hours of Nutritional Study. Unless they seek it independently. (Search it, Study it, Look it up for yourself. The info is there)

Our doctors give us medications to make the symptoms disapear for a while. When they stop going away for a while, they give us something stronger to make it work again. Because our tolerance builds and we crave more. All the while not noticing that the list of side effects are longer than the reasons we need the drug in the first place. Sometimes the side effects even contain the problem we are taking the meds for.

Do we even care? Or are we only taking things at face value?

I believe many people are going to begin to start waking up! Start to notice whats going on around us. Start to see that all the things told to us through our Faith and our Forefathers Faith, and the generations before them are in fact Reality. Many people are going to continue to destroy our belief system, ad discredit us, saying we are unrealistic. They are going to continue to shoot us down. Those of us who believe in Bible. Everything that has been predicted has come true, is happening now, or is begining to take shape. EVERYTHING! From the natural disasters around the globe, to the Globalization of world powers, to the Wars, to the Famines and Desieses spreading around the globe, all the way to the pursicution of those who believe in the words of Jesus. It is all coming true.

There is more to life than what is on the surface. I am personaly begining to see this. Took me almost 29 years to start. I hope it does not take me another 29 to get stronger. I hope you the reader will be motivated to look deeper as well. Into our country, into our media, into our cities, into our towns, into our people, into our Faith, into ourselves. See that there is a deeper truth. There is more than Face Value. Let us get out of the mode of being "Victims of Tradition."